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Office rebuild

Office reconstruction by HAST

Moving as the main topic

Some might have noticed in our newsletter, that we moved out. Don´t worry, you don’t have to look for us at a new address. We are located on the ground floor together with the finance and project departments. This way we are closer to the actual production. What rebuild are we talking about then?

Well, the upper floor was empty, and we had to decide what to do about it. We decided that the best idea is to rent the space. We like to think about ourselves as great hosts.

Therefore, we´ve created the most comfortable and modern space for our new neighbors.

Entrance as a chill zone

The entrance now has a “Green wall” with real plants. Natural light is coming from the roof window, and we supported this with a special artificial light good for plants. Our new tenants don’t have to look after the plants at all as we installed an automatic watering system. To create the best possible vibe, we placed some armchairs and a sofa.

The office is divided by colors for a better orientation. For instance, the manager’s office is dark grey, and the others are white.  The meeting room can be separated by curtains. Lighting is done by spotlights and LED lights. Moreover, the meeting room is equipped with a shelf display, wine shelves, and a fridge.

Kitchen as a meeting spot

The kitchen area was no longer suitable, so we decided to make it bigger by joining the old kitchen with the other room right next to it. We placed a bar in the kitchen, and you can now have meetings and coffee here altogether.

Videoconferences or phone conversations can be uninterrupted in the brand-new silent booth. Windows were upgraded as well as carpets.

Some office tables come with high adjustment option and for extra privacy with a fabric desk screen.

Why aren´t we staying?

To be honest, we cried a little when leaving our offices. We are already working on a new design for the ground ground to meet our needs. We can´t wait!

Our happy clients

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